20th. The treasurer of the western shore for the time being shall be furnished once every year,
or oftener if required, with statements of the amount of the capital stock of the said corporation,
and of the debts due to and from the same, of the amount of monies deposited therein, of the notes
in circulation, of the cash in hand, and of. the profits made, and shall have a right to inspect such
general accounts in the books of the bank as shall relate to the said statements, but nothing herein,
contained shall be construed to imply a right of inspecting the account of any private individual with
the bank, nor shall such general statement and power of inspection be used for any other purpose
but to enable him to form a just opinion of the state of the institution relative to the public safety,
and of the profits thereof, over which he is, hereby appointed guardian, as far as the same relates to
the state.
XV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act shall continue in force until the expiration of the year
eighteen hundred and fifteen, and until the end of the next session of assembly thereafter.
Passed 15th of
January, 1808.
An ACT for the benefit of Margaretta Chalmers.
WHEREAS the said Margaretta, and her son Alexander Jekill Chalmers, have by their petiti-
on set forth, that a large and valuable estate of James Chalmers, deceased, the late husband.
of the said Margaretta, became forfeited to the state, and that under the act of November session,
seventeen hundred and eighty-two, the intendant of the revenue was authorised to reserve a portion
of the estate on the application of the wife of the person whose property, had been. forfeited, and
that the intendant had, set apart or reserved some personal property, and three hundred acres of land
in Kent county, the same being the land described in the books of the intendant, and now deposited
in the office, of the auditor-general of this state, by lots number one and number two: And whereas,
the said Margaretta Chalmers has continued to hold the same to the present time, and the said Mar-
garetta, and her son Alexander Jekill Chalmers, have prayed that the interest the state may have in
the small remnant of the estate of said James Chalmers, may be released to his widow; and this
general assembly being willing to relinquish. the interest. of the state, of, in and to, the property so,
as aforesaid reserved, therefore,
Interest trans-
ferred, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the interest of the state of Mary-
land of, in and to, the real and personal property of the said James Chalmers, so as aforesaid re-
served; shall be and the same is hereby transferred to the said Margaretta Chalmers and her heirs,
for ever; provided, that nothing herein contained shall in any wise invalidate or destroy any right,.
title, interest or claim, which any other person or persons may have acquired in the said property
by, from or under, the said Margaretta Chalmers.
Passed 15th of
January, 1808.
A Further supplement to the ad, entitled, An act to regulate
appointed, &c
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Barton Tabbs, Edward Mattingly,.
William Hebb, James Hopewell, Matthias Clarke, Joseph Ford, senior, and Charles Chilton, be
and they are hereby appointed and authorised, or a majority of them, or a majority of the survivors
of them, commissioners to lay off Saint Mary's county into four separate electional districts, in con-
formity to the act, entitled, An act to alter, change and repeal, such parts of the constitution and form,
of government of this state as relate to the division of Saint-Mary's county into electional districts,
and of the act, entitled, An act to confirm an act, entitled, An act to alter, change and repeal, such,
parts of the constitution and form of government, of this state as relate to the division of Saint-Ma-
ry's county into electional districts, carefully making the several districts as nearly equal as possible,
having regard to population, extent, and convenience of the voters; provided, that the said com-
missioners shall lay off the upper district, heretofore designated by number two, as it is now located;
and each election district shall be numbered by the said commissioners, and known thereafter by
such number; and also to make choice of a place in each district at which the election shall be held,
as nearly central as shall be practicable, having regard to the circumstances aforesaid, and the ac-
commodation of persons, attendant upon such election; and the. said commissioners, or a majority of
them, or a majority of the survivors of them, shall, on or before the fifteenth day of July next, de-
liver to the clerk of the county court of said county, a description, in writing, under their hands
and seals, specifying plainly the boundaries and number of each district, and also the place in each
district where the election for such district shall be held, and the said clerk shall record the same in
the records of said county.