affect, in any manner, any right or claim to the said property, or any other real property which the
said Alfred Jones may purchase, acquired by any other person or persons before the passage of this
act; and provided also, that unless the said Alfred Jones shall, after he has resided five years in the
United States, proceed, according to law, to make himself a citizen of the United States, this act
shall have no effect to confirm his title to the property above alluded to, nor to any other which he
may acquire, nor shall he, or any person claiming under him, derive any benefit under this act; but
if the said Alfred Jones shall die before he can by the law of the United States become a citizen,
nothing in the above proviso contained shall prevent him from transmitting or transferring his said
property, by descent or devise, to any lawful issue he may leave residing within the United States,
who is hereby declared capable in law to hold the same, or to any other person, being a citizen of
the United States, and capable in law to hold the same.
C H A P.
An ACT for the relief of Henry Hawkins Young, of Montgomery
Passed 15th of
January, 1808.
WHEREAS by the petition of Frances M'Elvain, presented to this general assembly, it appears,
that she emigrated to, and settled in, this state, and since her emigration and settlement as
aforesaid., purchased real property therein, which real property she has since conveyed and sold to a
certain Henry Hawkins Young, a citizen of this state; that soon after her settlement in this state
she became naturalized agreeably to the laws of congress, but that no record or entry of her natu-
ralization can, at this time, be found, and praying that a law may pass to confirm the title of the
said Henry Hawkins Young, of, in and to, the real estate as aforesaid; and the prayer of the peti-
tioner appearing reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the title of the real property pur-
chased by the said Henry Hawkins Young of the said Frances M'Elvain, be and the same is hereby
as amply and as fully vested in the said Henry Hawkins Young, to all intents and purposes, as if the
said Frances M'Elvain had been naturalized agreeably to the said laws; provided always, that
nothing in this act contained shall in any manner defeat or affect any right, title or claim, to the
said property, or any part thereof, acquired or prosecuted by any person or persons whatever before
the passage of this act.
Title vested,
An ACT to make valid a deed from Isaac Dixon to John Dashiell
for part of a tract of land called Dixon's Green.
Passed 15th of
January, 1808.
WHEREAS John Dashiell, by his petition to this general assembly, hath set forth, that a cer-
tain Isaac Dixon, late of Worcester county, deceased, did, by deed of bargain and sale, for
a full and valuable consideration, convey and make over to him the said John Dashiell, in fee, part of
a tract of land in Worcester county called Dixon's Green, which said deed was duly executed and
acknowledged on the ninth day of March, seventeen hundred and eighty-two, and enrolled among
the land records of Worcester county in due time, but by mistake the said deed was dated in the
year seventeen hundred and seventy-seven instead of seventeen hundred and eighty-two, by reason of
which the said deed is rendered void and of no effect; all which facts appearing to be true, therefore,
J I. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said deed from the aforesaid
Isaac Dixon to the aforesaid John Dashiell, for part of a tract of land called Dixon's Green, shall
be of full force and effect to convey the said lands and premises therein expressed to be conveyed,
in as full and ample manner as if the said error, herein before recited, in the date of the said deed,
had not been made, any law, usage or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding; provided always,
that nothing in this act contained shall in anywise affect any bond fide purchaser of the aforesaid tract
of land from the aforesaid Isaac Dixon, after his aforesaid sale to the said John Dashiell.
Deed to be of
force, &c.
An ACT for the benefit of the vestry of the German evangelic lu-
theran congregation in and about Elizabeth-town, at Saint -John's
church, in Washington county.
Passed 15th of
January, 1808.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that Jonathan Hagar, of Washington
county, conveyed three lots of ground, to wit, lot number 131, 132 and 231, situate in said