said county clerk; and in case the said wreckmaster shall neglect or refuse to give the said new
bond as required by the said county court, then and in such case the said wreckmaster shall be, and
he is hereby declared to be, in the same situation as if no bond had been given by him.
Passed 18th of
January, 1808.
Marriage de-
clared void, &c.
An ACT annulling the marriage of Patrick Sim and Ariana Sim.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the marriage of the said Patrick Sim,
and Ariana his wife, heretofore solemnized, be and the same is hereby declared to be, abso-
lutely and to all intents and purposes null and void, and the said Patrick Sim, and Ariana his wife,
are hereby declared to be divorced a vinculo matrimonii; provided always, that nothing in this act
contained shall be construed to illegitimate any issue of the said Patrick Sim, and Ariana his wife,
born prior to the passage of this act.
Passed 18th of
January, 1808.
An ACT to lay out a certain road in Harford county.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of sundry inhabitants of
Harford county, that it would be to the advantage of the inhabitants of said county that a
road should be laid out from the road leading from Belle-Air to Havre-de-Grace to a place known by
the name of Barnes's Fishery and Landing, on the river Susquehanna; therefore,
appointed, &c.
II BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That William Smith, Roger Boyce and
Samuel Jay, be and the) are hereby appointed commissioners, and they, or a majority of them, are;
hereby authorised and empowered to review the private road now leading from the Belle-Air and
Havre-de-Grace road to a place known by the name of Barnes's Fishery and Landing, on the river
Susquehanna, and to survey, mark and bound the same, not exceeding one perch and one half per ph-
in width; or should the aforesaid commissioners be of opinion that a new read would be of greater
benefit to the inhabitants of said county, then the aforesaid commissioners, or a majority of them,
are hereby authorised and empowered to lay out, survey, mark: and bound the same, with as little
possible damage or injury as may be, not exceeding one perch and one halt perch in width, beginning,
at the north end of Juniata-street, in the town of Havre-de-Grace, thence on the best ground and
in the straightest direction to the said Barnes's Fishery and Landing; provided, that the said road
shall not be opened through the gardens, yards or orchards, of any person or persons, without his,
her or their consent.
Damage to be
estimated, &c.
III AMD BE IT ENACTED, That the aforesaid commissioners, or a majority of them, be and they
are hereby authorised and empowered to estimate the damage that may be sustained by any person
or persons through whose land the said road may pass, and make a return thereof, together with a
plot of said road, to the levy court of Harford county, to be there recorded; which said road shall
be opened, kept opened and repaired, the expense whereof, and all damages sustained and expenses;
occasioned by laying out said road, shall be paid by the owner or owners of the said Barnes's fishery
and landing, before the opening of said road.
Road not to be
Stopped up, &c.
IV AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall not be lawful for any person to stop up, change, or in
any manner obstruct, said road, under the penalty of twenty dollars for every such offence.
allowance, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners herein appointed, and the surveyor, shall re-
ceive the sum of two dollars for every day they shall attend to discharge the duties required by this
act, which shall be paid as other charges thereon arising.
Passed 15th of
January, 1808.
An ACT for the benefit of Alfred Jones, of Queen-Anne's county.
WHEREAS Alfred Jones, a native of the kingdom of Great-Britain, now a resident of Queen-
Anne's county, sometime in the year eighteen hundred and five, came to this state with a
bonafide intention o£ residing therein, and has bargained for a valuable tract of land; therefore,
Conveyances to
have effect, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all conveyances that may be made
or executed to the said Alfred Jones, touching or concerning the aforesaid tract of land, or any other
real estate which the said Alfred Jones may contract for or purchase, shall have the same effect,
operation and validity, as if the said Alfred Jones had been naturalized at the time the same shall be
executed ar entered into; provided always, that nothing in this act contained shall be construed to