CHAP. 94.
A supplement to the act incorporating the Roman Catholic
Congregation at Christ's Church, near Westminster, and
to confirm a certain devise to said church.
Passed Feb.
13, 1844.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act, the
trustees of Christ's Roman Catholic Church near Westmin-
ster, and their successors elected according to the provi-
sions of the act to which this is a supplement, shall be able
and capable in law, to purchase, take, have, hold, receive
and enjoy to them and their successors, any personal pro-
perty, or choses in action whatsoever by grant, gift, bar-
gain, sale, devise or otherwise, as Fully, effectually and en-
tirely as they are enabled, by the act to which this is a sup-
plement, to purchase, take, have, hold and receive real
Sec. 2. Whereas a certain Frances Conley, late of
Carroll county, deceased, by her last will and testament, in
writing, bearing date on the twenty-third day of October,
eighteen hundred and forty-one, and now of record, in the
office of the register of wills of said county, in Liber J.
B. No. 1, folio one hundred and ninety, did will and devise
to the trustees of Christ's Roman Catholic Church, near
Westminster, the residue of her estate, to be by them
applied towards keeping the aforesaid church in repair; and
whereas it is doubtful whether the said devise is good in law
without the leave of the legislature. Therefore,
Be it enacted, That the said last will and testament, so far
as regards the devise aforesaid, be and the same is hereby
ratified and confirmed, and the said devise is hereby vested
in the trustees of Christ's Roman Catholic Church near
Westminster aforesaid for the uses, intents and purposes in
the said last will and testament mentioned and set forth.
Ratified and
An act to provide for the appointment of Wood Corder in
the town of St.. Michaels in Talbot county.
Passed Feb.
13, 1844.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall be the duty of the Governor,
annually to appoint by and with the advice and consent of
the Senate, a wood-corder for the town of St Michaels in
Wood Corder
for Saint Mi-