the service of his country is sincerely regretted by them;
and it further appearing, that the said William J. Belt,
since the aforesaid sentence has by his exemplary life,
won for himself, the esteem, confidence and affection of
his neighbors and friends effacing thereby the slight shade
which that sentence threw upon his character; and this
general assembly considering him under all the circum-
stances a fit object for the favourable interpositions of the
executive, and being desirous, as far as may be becoming
to rescue a gallant son of the State, from the consequen-
ces of a judgment so much to be regretted—be it there-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the President of the United States be respectfully request-
ed to re-instate commander William J. Belt, to the sta-
tion he held in the American Navy, and from which he
was dismissed, by the sentence of a court martial in the
year eighteen hundred and forty-two.
No. 37.
Resolution in favour of John Sullivan and Son, and Birk-
head and Pearce.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer be directed to pay out of the tobacco in-
spection fund to John Sullivan and Son, two hundred
and ninety-four dollars and twenty-nine cents; and to
Biikhead and Pearce, the sum of forty-nine dollars and
eighty-one cents, on account of expenses incurred by
them for storage of tobacco.
Passed March
7, 1844.
No. 38.
Resolution in relation to carrying into effect Resolution
No. eight of eighteen hundred and forty.
Whereas in pursuance of resolution number eight,
eighteen hundred and forty, a joint committee of the
senate and house of delegates, consisting of three mem-
bers, one from the Senate, and two from the house of de-
Passed March