Richard Coe, of Prince Georges county, Maryland, the
sum of thirty dollars; if so much was due to the said
Richard Coe at the time of his death.
No. 31.
Resolution in favor of William M'Neir.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer pay to William M'Neir, the sum of ninety
dollars, it being the amount paid by him to the clerk of
the Court of Appeals for copies of the laws passed at De-
cember session eighteen hundred and forty-two.
Passed Match
2, 1844.
No. 32.
Resolution in favor of Capt. L. O. Ham.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Adjutant General be, and he is hereby directed to fur-
nish to the order of Capt. L. O. Ham, of the Union Rifle
Company, of Hagerstown, fifty Knapsacks, out of such
as are at this time in the Armory, by his giving satisfac-
tory security for their sale keeping and return; and the
like number to Capt. William Small and E. B. Baltzell,
of Frederick county, and to Capt. William P. Maulsby,
of the Carroll Infantry, upon their giving security for
their return.
Passed March
2, 1844.
No. 33-
Resolution in favor of Elizabeth Hammond.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer pay to Elizabeth Hammond, of Frederick
county, or order, during her life, the half pay of a private,
in consideration of services rendered by her husband du-
ring the revolutionary war.
Passed March
5, 1844.