Whereas the Congress of the United Slates, have at
different times appropriated about three hundred thousand
dollars, to the construction of free bridges across the Poto-
mac River, within the District of Columbia, thereby giv-
ing great advantages to the citizens of Virginia and others,
for approaching the seat of Government, and particularly
to all that class of persons who frequent the markets of
Washington and Georgetown, for the sale of their produc-
tions; and whereas, equal rights and privileges ought to
be extended to all the citizens of these States, and where-
as Congress have heretofore refused or neglected to make
free the bridges over the Anacosta or Eastern Branch of the
Potomac, greatly to the detriment of the citizens of Mary-
land, because those who attend the markets in Washington
and Georgetown, are compelled to pay a heavy tax in the
shape of bridge tolls on their produce from which the citi-
zens on the south side of the Potomac hare been exempt
by the Congress of the United States. Therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That our Senators and Representatives in Congress, be
requested to bring the subject to the atlent ion of Congress,
at such time and in such manner as the may deem most ad-
visable, and to use their best exertions to have the bridges
over the Anacosta or Eastern Branch of the Potomac made
Resolved, That his Excellency the Governor, be reques-
ted to send a copy of this preamble and resolution, to each
of our Senators and Representatives in Congress.
Passed Jan.
Resolution in favor of the collectors of the Direct Tax.
Resolved as the sense of this General Assembly, That
the public interest will be promoted, if his Excellency the
Governor, in the exercise of the discretion conferred upon
him, by the eighth section of the act of eighteen hundred
and forty-two, chapter two hundred and sixty-nine, shall
forbear to put in suit the bonds of collectors of the direct
tax, for the instalment due on the first of September last,
until the first of June next, unless the legislature shall here-
after otherwise order and direct.