of this act, in the third or Berlin District in Worcester
county, shall be at the tenement or house now occupied
by Brittingham and Brown, commonly known and called
the Zingle Lot, in the said district, and all laws or parts
of laws, inconsistent with this act, be and the same are
hereby repealed.
chap. 345
An act to authorize Josias Hawkins, administrator of Philip
A. L. Contee., deceased, to bring certain negro slaves into
this State.
Passed March
5, 1844.
Whereas, by an act of the general assembly of Ma-
ryland, passed at December session one thousand eight
hundred and thirty-nine, chapter one hundred and forty-
seven, a certain Philip A. L. Contee, since deceased,
was authorized to introduce into this State from the state
of Virginia, certain negro slaves therein mentioned; and
whereas the said Philip A; L. Contee, departed this
life without having brought some of said negro slaves into
this slate, letters of administration on whose estate has
been gianted by the orphan's court of Charles county to
a certain Josias Hawkins; and whereas the said Josias
Hawkins, as administrator aforesaid, has brought some of
the negro slaves of the said Philip A. L. Contee, deceas-
ed, into this state, and is desirous of bringing others, to
be employed on the real estate of the heirs of the said
Philip A. L. Contee, deceased, for hire, and not for sale—-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the act or acts of the said Josias Haw-
kins, administrator as aforesaid, in bringing into this state
any of the negro slaves of the said Philip A. L. Contee,
deceased, are hereby made valid, and the said Josias
Hawkins, administrator aforesaid, is further authorized to
bring into this state from any adjoining slate or district
any others of the negroes, slaves for life, belonging to the
Acts made va-
estate of the said Philip A. L. Contee deceased; provided,
that the said Josias Hawkins, administrator as aforesaid,
shall after the removal of said slaves or either of them
into this state, file with the clerk of the county court of
the county into which said negro slaves are introduced, a
list or lists of the said negro slave or slaves so removed,