chap. 339.
forty-two and eighteen hundred and forty-three, be and the
same is hereby extented to the first day of June, eighteen
hundred and forty-five; provided, that nothing herein con-
tained shall be construed to postpone the payment of any
State taxes by the said Whiteford, beyond the periods now
fixed by law.
Passed March
9, 1844.
An act for recording the courses and distances of the public
roads in Harford county.
Clerk to re-
cord courses
and distances.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall be the duty of the clerk of the commission-
ers of Harford county, to record in a well bound book the
courses and distances, and bounds and descriptions of
any pew public road hereafter opened by said commission-
ers, and also the courses and distances, bounds and des-
cription of every alteration in the location of an old pub-
lic road, and the book in which the same is recorded shall
be furnished by the said commissioners at the expense of
the county, and such an alphabet shall be made to said
records as will facilitate the finding of the courses of any
particular road.
Passed March
9, 1844.
An act to amend the Constitution and Form of Govern-
ment of this State, prohibiting any money being drawn
from the Treasury of the State, but in consequence of
appropriations made by law.
Appriation by
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That no money shall be drawn from the Trea-
sury of this State, but in consequence of appropriations
made by law.
When confir-
med to be part
of constituti-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That if this act shall be con-
firmed by the General Assembly, at its first session after
the next election of delegates to the General Assembly,
then this act and the amendment to the Constitution
therein contained, shall constitute and be valid as a part
of said Constitution and Form of Government to all
intents and purposes, and every thing therein contained,
repugnant to this act be repealed and abolished.