sary to do business, and all of whom shall be elected an-
nually on the third Monday of January, in every year, or
as soon thereafter as may be convenient, the old officers
being competent to all business, till the new ones are eho-
son, the election shall be by ballot, every individual sub-
scribing and paying ten dollars into the treasury, shall be
entitled to cast a vote, and one additional vote for every ten
dollars so subscribed and paid into the treasury, till the sum
amount to one hundred dollars, no individual shall cast more
than ten votes, at the annual election of trustees; and no
person shall be considered as elected, unless he receive a
majority of the votes cast; and should any vacancy occur
in the number of said trustees, they shall have power to fill
said vacancy at their pleasure, and recording the same on
CHAP. 337
the books of the corporation.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the objects of this cor-
poration are declared to be the furtherance of religious
benevolence; and of useful sciences and promotion of the
arts by erecting such a building, conveniences and apper-
tenances as may be adjudged necessary to carry the pur-
pose of the corporation into full and complete effect, and
the said corporation shall be able and capable in law, to
purchase and enjoy to them and their successors in fee or
less estate, all such estate and property, within the limits of
the city of Baltimore, as may be necessary to compass the
objects of said corporation, and to sell and transfer any
such property as they shall think meet and convenient for
The further-
ance of reli-
gious benevo-
the furtherance of the ends of said corporation; provided,
the clear annual income of such estates and property shall
not exceed the sum of four thousand dollars.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the legislature may at
any time repeal this act of incorporation, when they shall
adjudge such repeal necessary or beneficial to the interest
of the community.
Right reser-
An act to give further time to Hugh C. Whiteford, collec-
tor of State and county taxes, for the fifth election dis-
trict of Harford county to complete his collections.
Passed March
9, 1844.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the time allowed by law for Hugh C. Whiteford,
collector of State and county taxes for the fifth election
district of Harford county, to collect said tax for the years
eighteen hundred and forty-one, eighteen hundred and
Time exten-