forty-seven thousand, seven hundred and three dollars and
fifty-two cents. Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Treasurer be and he is hereby authorised and re-
quired to pay to the several persons, their executors, ad-
ministrators, assignees or orders, or to such of them as
shall apply to receive the same, the several sums of mon-
ies allowed to them respectively as they appear to be
settled and ascertained by the said Journal of Accounts,
out of any money now in the Treasury, subject to appro-
priation by the General Assembly.
chap. 335
Treasurer to
An act more effectually to provide for clearing out Poco-
moke River in Worcester county.
Passed March
9, 1844.
Whereas by an act of the General Assembly, passed
at December session eighteen hundred and forty, chapter
two hundred and fifteen, provision was made by a scheme
of lottery to clear out Pocomoke River in Worcester
county; and whereas after progressing in the work thus
far, it is found that owing to the limit in said scheme the
amount to be derived from it will fall far short of complet-
ing the object for which it was designed. Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the said scheme of lottery shall continue according
to the provisions of the original act, until the commission-
ers shall realise therefrom the full sum of thirty thousand
dollars, as contemplated by the original grant or until all
the othei schemes granted by the State shall have ceased.
Scheme to
continue ac-
cording to ori-
ginal act.
An act to authorise Ancus M. Hoffer, to bring into this
State, a negro slave upon conditions.
Passed March
9, 1844.
Whereas Ancus M. Hoffer of the District of Colum-
bia, about the first of November, eighteen hundred and
forty-three, removed from Charles county, in this State,
a negro slave named Austin, to the District of Columbia,