such elections, and the said commissions shall on or before
the third Monday in June, eighteen hundred and forty-four,
deliver to the clerk of Frederick county court, a descrip-
tion in writing, under their hands and seals, specifying
plainly the boundaries and number of the election district,
so laid off by them, and also the place where the election
for such district shall be held, and the said clerk shall
record the same in the records of said county, and trans-
mit a copy thereof to the Governor.
chap 324.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the sheriff of Frederick
county, shall give notice of the place of holding the elec-
tion in such election district, so laid off anew, by causing
the same to be inserted in one or more newspapers, printed
in Frederick county, once a week for at least two months
previous to Holding the election in October, eighteen hun-
dred and forty-four.
Sheriff to give
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That if any of the commis-
sioners named in this act shall die, remove out of the
county or refuse to accept his appointment before the first
Monday of April next, the remaining commissioners are
hereby authorised and directed to fill such vacancy or va-
To fill vacan-
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That each commissioner shall
be entitled to receive at the rate of two dollars per day,
for ever)' day he shall act in the discharge of the duties im-
posed on him by the provisions of this act, to be assessed
and levied by the levy court of Frederick county, as other
county charges are, which said sum when levied and col-
lected, shall be paid over as other county charges are.
To receive
$2 per day.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the inhabitants of said
district shall be in all respects entitled to all the rights,
liberties and privileges, held or to be held and enjoyed by
the other election districts in said county, except the right
to elect a member of the levy court, until the October elec-
tion in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-five.
to enjoy rights
and liberties.
An act relating to the clerk of Howard District of Anne
Arundel County.
Passed March
9, 1844.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the time for
placing fees in the hands of the sheriff, by the clerk of
Howard District Court, be and the same is Hereby extended
to the twentieth day of April, in each and every year here-
Time exten-