provisions and penalties of the fifth and seventh sections
of this act.
CHAP. 316
An additional supplement to an act entitled, an act for
founding an Academy at Hagerstown, Washington coun-
ty, passed at December session eighteen hundred and
ten, chapter fifty-jive.
Passed March
9, 1844.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That an election for seven trustees for the Hagerstown
Academy be held on the first Monday of May next, and
on the first Monday of every succeeding May thereafter
by the stockholders in said institution, in the manner
prescribed by the original act, to which this is an addi-
tional supplement, at such place in Hagerstown as the
president of the board of trustees for the time being shall
appoint, of which time and place of election he shall give
one month's previous notice in all the newspapers pub-
lished in Hagerstown; and such seven trustees elected at
the time and in the manner above directed, and their suc-
cessors annually so elected, shall have all the powers,
perform all duties and enjoy all the lights and immuni-
ties, which were given and granted by the original act
above mentioned, and the several supplements thereto.
Election or
seven trustees
An act for the relief of Samuel A. Leckey, of Alle-
gany county.
Passed March
9, 1844.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the treasurer of the school fund of Allegany county,
be and he is hereby authorized and directed, to pay to
Samuel A. Leckey, of said county, the sum of twenty-
four dollars and fifteen cents, being the amount of an
order drawn by John Neff, Esq. trustee of a school dis-
trict in said county, dated August twenty-first, eighteen
hundred and forty-one, and also the sum of twenty-six
dollars and thirty-seven and one-half cents, being the
amount of an order drawn by George S. Evans, a trustee
of a school district in said county, dated the thirteenth
Treatiirer of
School Fund
to pay.