CHAP. 312.
property of large value; and whereas it is also repre-
sented that the portion so allotted to said minor is with-
out improvements, and is therefore not in a situation to
be rented out, as to produce a return at all commensurate
to its value; And whereas it is also represented that by
the said distribution, the said minor is required to pay to
the other heirs entitled to distributive shares the sum of
fifteen hundred and ninety-four dollars and thirty-four
cents to make the distribution equal; AND WHEREAS it is
also represented to this general assembly that the said mi-
nor is entitled to a large sum of money amounting to
about ten thousand dollars, which will be much more than
sufficient to pay the above balance, and build the necessary
improvements to make the real estate productive—There-
Guardian to
pay out of per-
sonal estate,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the guardian of said Daniel Murray, a minor, be
authorized under the direction of the Orphan's Court of
Anne Arundel county, to pay out of the personal estate to
the parties entitled, the said sum of fifteen hundred and
ninety-four dollars and thirty-four cents; and also to erect
suitable buildings on said estate not exceeding in the
whole the sum of six thousand dollars.
Passed March
8, 1844.
An act to incorporate the Maryland Historical Society.
Whereas, sundry citizens of Maryland, have associa-
ted for the purpose of collecting, preserving and diffusing .
information relating to the civil, natural and literary his-
tory of this state, and to American history and biography
generally; and have applied to this general assembly to
incorporate said association.
Section 1. Be it therefore enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That Brantz Mayer, John P. Ken-
nedy, John H. B. Latrobe, Robert Gilmor, John V. L.
McMahon, Charles F. Mayer, Frederick William Brune,
jun'r., Sebastian F. Streeler, John L. Carey, George W.
Dobbin, John Spear Smith, Bernard U. Campbell, Wil-
liam G. Lyford, Stephen Collins, Fielding Lucas, John
J. Donaldson, Robert Cary Long, William A. Talbot,
Severn Teackle Wallis, Charles J. W. Gwinn, Joshua J.
Cohen, John S. Sumner, members of said association,
and their present and future associates and their succes-
sors, be and they are hereby constituted and created