CHAP. 240.
to surrender the banking franchise heretofore granted to it
and asking the passage of an act which will accomplish
that purpose, and at the same time continue their corpo-
rate powers so as to enable it to wind up its business—
Acceptance of
this act by
President and
Directors, re-
vokes charter.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That on the acceptance of this act, by the pre-
sident and directors of the Citizen's Bank of Baltimore,
the act incorporating said bank .shall, and it is hereby de-
clared to be annulled and revoked, provided, however,
that nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as
to deny to the said corporation power to bring suits, and
to do all othei acts, which may be necessary and proper,
for the collection of its debts, and for the distribution of
the capital among the stockholders theieof, and the said
bank shall be answerable for its debts, in the same man-
ner and to the same extent, as if this act had not passed;
and the said bank shall give notice in at least two news-
papers in the city of Baltimore, immediately after the ac-
ceptance of this act to its creditors to present their claims
for settlement.
To carry on
business by
original char-
Sec. 2. Be it enacted, That at any time hereafter,
and before the expiration of the time limited for the
continuance of the original charter of the said bank, the
stockholders thereof, are hereby authorised to resume
their original charter, and to carry on their banking bu-
siness, as prescribed by said original charter, and until
the expiration of the same, provided however, that in case
of any such resumption, the said bank shall pay to the trea-
surer of this state, the amount of school tax, which would
have been payable by the said bank, if there had been
no discontinuance of its business as provided for by this
act, and provided further, that the said bank shall hereaf-
ter, if it determines to commence business again, comply
with the provisions of the ninth article of the ninth sec-
tion of its charter to all intents and purposes as if it had
not heretofore done so.
On attainment
of assent of
president and
directors to
forward same
to Governor.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That on the assent of a
majority of the stockholders being obtained to the provi-
sions of this act, as herein specified, it shall be the duty of
the president and directors of said bank, to prepare and
transmit to the Governor of this state, under the seal of the
corporation, a certificate certifying to the assent as herein
before provided of the stockholders, which said certifi-
cate shall be filed in the executive department.