SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contain-
ed, shall be construed to release said banks or either of
them from the payment of any bonus now due upon the ac-
tual capital paid in, and at the rate prescribed by the second
section of this act.
SEC. 5. And be if enacted, That this act shall have no
effect until each of the said banks shall have filed in the
Treasury of the Western Shore its assent to the same, in
such form as the Treasurer shall direct.
CHAP. 77.
Bank to file
its assent.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That if either of the said
banks shall at any time fail or refuse to redeem their notes,
or any of their notes in specie, on demand, the provisions
of this act shall be null and void; and that the legislature
shall have a right to repeal the charters of all banks in this
State which shall fail or refuse to redeem their notes in
Notes to be
redeemed in
An act to incorporate the Mountaineer Hose Company of the
Town of Cumberland, in Allegany county.
Passed Feb.
9, 1843.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Archibald McNeil, William R. McCul-
ly, Jesse Horn, George M. Reid, Jacob Rizer, Gustavus
Rizer, David McCleary and Simon Arnold and others, who
are or may hereafter become members thereof, be and they
are hereby declared to be, one community, corporation and
body politic forever hereafter, by the name and style of the
Mountaineer Hose company, the object of which company is
hereby declared to be the protection of the property of the
citizens of Cumberland from destruction by lire, for which
purpose they are hereby made able and capable in law, to
have, purchase, receive, possess and retain to them and
their successors, lands, tenements, rents, annuities and other
hereditaments, and the same to grant, demise, alien and dis-
pose of as they may judge most conducive to the interest of
the said company; provided nevertheless, that the said corpo-
ration or body politic shall not at any time hold or possess
property real and personal or mixed, exceeding the sum of
live thousand dollars.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said company
their successors by the aforesaid name shall forever here-
after be able and capable in law to sue and be sued, plead
and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be
defended, in all and every court of justice whatever, and