with accoutrements to match, whenever they shall be in
the Armory, and demanded, on condition that the said Em-
mart return the rifles and accoutrements now in the hands
of the company under his command; and provided also, that
the said Emmart or another officer in command of said
company give bond with sufficient security for the safe
keeping and return of the same to the State of Maryland,
when demanded.
Passed March
10, 1843.
No. 52.
Resolution in favor of Captain Benjamin Yingling,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Adjutant General of this State be and he is hereby au-
thorized and directed to procure and deliver (o Captain
Benjamin Yingling, for the use of the Carroll Artillery,
two brass six pounders, with necessary implements and
equipments, the said Captain Yingling giving bond with se-
curity for the safe keeping and return of the same when,
required by the state.
Passed March
3, 1843.
No, 53,
Resolution relative to opening a certain road in Baltimore
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the time for opening a certain road in Baltimore county, the
Dogwood road, heretofore laid out and located by William
Crooks, Paul Rust and David Jean, commissioners appoint-
ed for that purpose by the commissioners of Baltimore
county, be and the same is hereby extended to one year
from the passage of this resolution, and that all the pro-
ceedings of said commissioners in regard to the locating
and opening of said road, be and the same is hereby con-
firmed, and that it shall be the duty of the commissioners
of Baltimore county to cause said road to be opened with-
in the time prescribed by this resolution.