Passed March
8, 1843.
No. 16.
Resolution in relation to the copies of the Census in the
State Library.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Librarian be instructed to distribute among those mem-
bers of the present general assembly who were not mem-
bers of the last, a copy each, the compendium of the late
census, and to deliver to the Governor of the State one
copy of said compendium, and one copy of the census pro-
per, and also to distribute by lot thirty- two copies of the
census proper.
Passed Jan.
20, 1843.
No. 17.
Resolution in relation to the tolls on the National Road.
WHEREAS by an act of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, passed at December session eighteen hundred and for-
ty-one, chapter one hundred and thirty five, it was enacted
that from and after the passage of said act a graduated re-
duction of tolls upon the National Road lying in this State
should be made by the superintendent of said road in favor
of wheel carriages of various length of axles, so as to
track within or outside of the usual length of axles now in
use, viz: a reduction of one-third tolls in favor of all wheel
carriages, whose track shall be clearly within the usual
track of five feet, a reduction of one half tolls in favor of all
wheel carriages whose track shall be clearly outside the usual
track of five feet, or whose axles so vary in length, as that
one pair of wheels track the usual five feet, and the other
pair of wheels track clearly outside a reduction of two-
thirds tolls in favor of all wheel carriages whose track shall
be of the one pair of wheels clearly outside of the usual
track of five feet, and the other pair of wheels outside of
it; provided, that wheel carriages of the last description
whose width of tire shall enable them to roll eight inches
on each side shall pass toll free; and whereas said act of as-