SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Washington Owen, John S. Mamiakee,
Thomas L. F. Higgins, Aaron Craycroft, and Thomas O.
Smith, of Montgomery county, and their successors, shall
be and they are hereby incorporated and made a body pol-
itic for ever, by the name and style, of The Trustees of Hope-
well Academy of Montgomery County, by which name and
style of the trustees of Hopewell Academy of Montgomery
county, by which name and style the said trustees and their
successors, shall be capable in any courts of law or equity
in this state, to sue and be sued, to defend and be defended,
to answer and be answered, to hold whether acquired by
purchase, gift, or devise, property real personal or mixed,
and the same to use, manage, and employ, in such manner as
they or a majority of them may deem most beneficial, to
carry into effect the purposes of the institution and to sell
and dispose of the same, and perform any act or acts which
any corporation or body politic within this state, and in
like cases may or can do or perform, and the said trustees
and their successors are hereby authorised to have and use
one common seal, and the same to break, alter, and renew,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That an election for trustees,
shall be held on the first Monday in January in each and
every year hereafter, at the said academy, which said elec-
tion shall be by ballot and conducted as follows, to wit:
every subscriber to said institution shall be allowed one vote,
for each and every scholar by him or her subscribed at the
time of the said election, and the said five persons having a
majority of votes shall be declared the trustees for the en-
suing year.
Election of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said trustees
and their successors or a majority of them, from time to
time and at all times hereafter, shall have lull power and
authority to constitute and appoint in such manner as they
may think best, male teachers for instructing the scholars
and pupils of said academy in such branches of education
as they shall think proper and suitable to be taught therein,
and to make fundamental ordinances and regulations for the
good government of said academy and instruction of the
scholars as aforesaid.
Trustees to
appoint teach-