over to some justice of the peace of said county all papers
and process in any case subject to his jurisdiction under
the provisions of this act.
CHAP. 285.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That constable's bonds here-
after to be taken in Talbot county, shall be in the penalty of
two thousand dollars.
Bond $2000.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That in all cases where suit
has been instituted in said courts for the recovery of a sum
not exceeding one hundred dollars, if no judgment shall
have been thereon rendered on or before the said first day
of November, it shall ho the duty of the respective chief
judges of the said courts to deliver to some justice of the
peace in the district, all papers and proceedings relative
thereto; and in case any writ of capias ad respondendum,
scire facias, capias ad satisfaciendum, fieri facias or ven-
ditioni exponas, issued by either of the said courts, for the
recovery of a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, shall
be in the hands of any sheriff, coroner or constable of the
said county, after the said first day of November, it shall
be the duty of the said sheriff, coroner or constable, as the
case may be, to return the same to some justice of the
peace of said county, who shall take such proceedings
therein as if the same had been originally issued by a sin-
gle justice of the peace.
Chief justice
to deliver over
papers, &c.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That all fees now due or
hereafter to become due, for any process in the different
magistrate's courts of Talbot county, shall be collected
agreeably to the requisitions of the act hereby repealed
and paid over, to be accounted for as by said act is re-
Fees due, &c.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That at the next annual
election for delegates to the General Assembly of Mary-
land, the judges of election of the several election dis-
tricts of Talbot county, shall enquire of each voter as he
may come to cast his ballot whether he is for or against the
provisions of this act, and it shall be the duly of the clerks
of said election to make an entry of both the affirmative
and negative votes on said question on the poll hooks, in
two separate columns, to be prepared for that purpose by
the sheriff of said county, and it shall be the duty of said
judges to count all the votes so entered and make return
thereof to the commissioners for said county, and if it shall
be ascertained that a majority of votes are in favor of this
act, then it shall be operative to the repeal of existing
laws conflicting therewith, but if there be a majority against
it, it shall be null and void.
Judges of
election to en-
quire as he
conies to vote,
whether he is
for or against
this act.