CHAP. 269
collection of said taxes to divide their said counties, dis-
trict or city as aforesaid, into as many collection districts
for the collection of said taxes, and in such manner as they
may deem proper, not exceeding the number of election
districts for the collection of said taxes, and in such manner
as they may deem proper, not exceeding the number of
election districts, or wards in said counties, district or city
as aforesaid, and appoint a collector for each one or more
of said districts, taking from each a bond, to be executed
and recorded as now required by said original act, and a
copy of which certified by the clerk they shall immediately
transmit to the treasurer of the western shore and governor
of the state, and it shall be the duty, of the duty of the
clerk of the levy court, commissioners or register of the
city of Baltimore, as aforesaid, to forward to the governor,
a statement embracing the division of the collection dis-
tricts in their respective counties, district or city as afore-
said, immediately after a division shall be made.
ers, &c. to le-
'SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the levy courts,
commissioners or mayor and city council of Baltimore as
aforesaid, are hereby authorized and required to levy upon
their respective counties, district or city as aforesaid, with-
in twenty days after the collectors shall have been first ap-
pointed by them, such commission not exceeding ten per
centum on the amount to be placed in the hands of said
collector or collectors for collection as will in their judg-
ment insure a speedy collection of said taxes, for the use
of the collectors who shall collect the same, which said,
commission shall be collected as part of the county char-
ges for the respective counties, district or city as aforesaid,
at the same time and in the same manner as county char-
ges in said county, district or city as aforesaid, are now
State & county
tax not to be
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the levy court, com-
missioners or mayor and city council of Baltimore as afore-
said, shall not be authorized to separate the collection of
the stale and county taxes in any collection district, but the
same shall be collected together and by the same collector,
and under one and the same bond in each collection district.
Collector to
bond in twen-
ty days.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if any collector ap-
pointed under the authority of this law, or of the act of
March session eighteen hundred and forty-one, chapter
twenty-three, and its supplements, shall fail to give bond as
required by law, within twenty days after his appointment,
the said levy court, commissioners or mayor and city coun-
cil of Baltimore, as the case may be, shall immediately
again assemble and make other appointments in place of
those so failing to bond, and if the collectors so last ap-