CHAP. 233.
and also an account of all articles purchased for or on ac-
count of said trustees, anil in such account shall be speci-
fied, by staling the articles sold, and the price received,
and in the account of purchases shall be staled each article
purchased, the price paid, or to be paid, and from whom
purchased, anil the accounts required by this act shall be
verified by the oath of the supervisor, and returned to the
commissioners of said county, in the month of March in
every year, and the said commissioners shall cause a copy
of such accounts, to be. set up at the place of holding the
elections in each election district.
Trustees to
Cause list of
paupers to be
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said trustees of the
poor, shall cause a list of the paupers in the alms house of
said county to he kept for each year, stating the name of
each pauper, when he or she came to the alms house, and
when he or she left or died, and stating how many paupers
were in said institution at the beginning and end of each
year, which list shall be returned in the month of March
Omition to
perform duties
required by
this act de-
clared a mis-
in each year to the commissioners.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if the said commis-
sioners, trustees or supervisor, or any of them shall omit to
perform the duties required by this act, such omission shall
be and is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor, and the
person so offending shall be liable to indictment and convic-
tion in the county court, and the judges of the county court
are hereby required to give this act in charge to the grand,
Passed March
7, 1843.
An act for the Classification of the Business of the County
Court of Washington County.
County court
to classify the
business of
said court.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
the county court of Washington county shall classify the
business of said court as follows: The said court shall de-
vote the first week of each term exclusively to the trial of
cases on the civil docket, and the first three days of the '
second week of the term to the trial of cases on the crimi-
nal docket; that appeals from the decisions of magistrates
shall be taken up on the morning of the second Thursday
of each term, and the trials of such appeals upon the docket
shall be finished before any other business is done in said
court; provided, the criminal cases shall all have been tried