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Session Laws, 1842
Volume 594, Page 173   View pdf image
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CHAP 207.


that in all cases when such non-resident or non-residents are
non compos mentis, no decree shall pass unless the allega-
tions in the bill or petition are fully proved under a com-
mission to be issued for that purpose; and provided further,
that in all cases of non compos mentis non-resident defend-
ants, the Court at the time of issuing the commission to
take testimony, shall assign a solicitor for such non-resident
defendant or defendants, to cross examine the witnesses,
which solicitor shall be paid by the plaintiff, or out of the
estate of the defendant at the discretion of the Court.

Chancellor to
order publica-

SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That in all cases where it is
unknown whether a person who ought to be a party to a
bill in Chancery be living or dead, or whether such person
if dead, has left any heirs, or if the heirs be unknown, in
all such cases, the bill may describe such unknown persons
as the heirs of the person, who, if living, would be the
proper party; and the county Court or Chancellor, as the
case may be, shall order notice by publication to be given
to such persons according to their description in the bill;
and the same proceedings shall be had against them as are
now had against non-resident defendants named in a bill in
Chancery; and any decree which may be passed shall have
the same effect against those described as the heirs of a
particular person, as if each of such heirs were named in
such bill.



Passed March
7, 1843.

A supplement to an act entitled, An act to amend and reduce
into one, the act to incorporate the American Life Insu-
rance and Trust Company, and the several supplements

Allowed five

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the American Life Insurance or Trust Company, be
and the same are hereby allowed five years from and after
the passage of this act, to liquidate and wind up the affairs of
said company, and to settle all transactions now open, and.
outstanding, for which objects, the said corporation is here-
by continued for the said term of five years.

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Session Laws, 1842
Volume 594, Page 173   View pdf image
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