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Session Laws, 1842
Volume 594, Page 172   View pdf image
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any note, token, device, scrip or other evidence of debt to
be used as a currency.

CHAP. 206.

SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That this act of incorpora-
tion shall enure thirty years from its passage, and that the
legislature reserves to itself the right to alter or annul this
act of incorporation at pleasure.

To enure for
30 years.



An act for the benefit of Thomas Keller, late Sheriff of
Washington county.

Passed Feb.
20, 1843.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Thomas Keller, late Sheriff of Washing-
ton county, be and he is hereby authorized to collect all
fees and balances due him or which may now be in his
hands for collection at any time before the first day of May
eighteen hundred and forty-four, and that for said purposes
he shall be entitled to exercise all the powers now vested in
Sheriffs by law.

Authorised to

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Thomas Keller
be, and he is hereby authorized to levy and execute all
writs of fieri facias or other species of execution which
may now be in his hands, and to make return thereof at any
lime before the November term of Washington county
Court, eighteen hundred and forty-three.

May levy and



An act relating to non-resident defendants in Chancery.

Passed Feb.
24, 1843.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That in all cases where a bill or petition has or
may be hereafter filed in any county Court or in Chancery,
and any non compos mentis non-resident or non-residents,
be defendant or defendants in said bill or petition, the Court
or Chancellor may order notice to be given to such non-
resident or non-residents, by publication in some newspa-
per, to appear and answer such bill or petition, and upon
the failure of such non-resident or non-residents, to appear
and answer the bill or petition, such decree may be passed

Chancellor to
order notice.

as the circumstances of the case may require; provided,


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Session Laws, 1842
Volume 594, Page 172   View pdf image
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