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Session Laws, 1842
Volume 594, Page 170   View pdf image
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place whatsoever, and also to make, have and use a com-
mon seal, and the same to break, alter and renew at plea-
sure, and also to ordain, establish and put in execution such
bye-laws, ordinances and regulations as shall seem neces-
sary and convenient for the government of the said corpo-

CHAP. 204.

ration and the management and conduct of their a Hairs;
provided, the same be not contrary to the laws and consti-
tution of the State of Maryland, or of the United States.


SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That whenever shares to
the amount of two thousand dollars shall have been sub-
scribed, the said company, or a majority of them, shall
call a general meeting of the subscribers, to be held in the
town of Frostburg, in Allegany county, or such place as
may be fixed upon, and such of the said subscribers as
shall be present at the said meeting, or a majority of them,
shall he empowered to elect a president and directors to
manage the affairs of the company, for one year, and until
a new election of president and directors shall be had in
the manner directed by the laws of the company, and that
every subscriber shall be entitled to one vote for every
share he may own.

$2000 is sub-
scribed, com-
pany shall call

SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the president and di-
rectors shall have power to appoint the time and direct
the manner of holding the election of president and direc-
tors, which election shall be annual, may provide for call-
ing the general meetings of the stockholders, may provide
the mode of transferring the stocks of the company, and of
furnishing evidences of the ownership of shares of said

President anil
Directors to
appoint time
of election.

SEC. 6.. And be it enacted, That the president and di-
rectors who may be chosen in the manner herein before
provided for, be and they are hereby authorized and em-
powered to cut, dig and make the said turnpike road from
some point at or near the town of Frostburg, and to inter-
sect the turnpike road recently constructed by the Mary-
land and New York Iron and Coal company, at the most
convenient point at or near the Rolling Mill of said compa-
ny in the valley of Jenning's Run, said turnpike road not
to exceed sixty feet in width, of which not less than eigh-
teen feet shall be covered with stone, broken to a si/e of
not more than six ounces in weight, and to a depth or thick-
ness of not less than twelve inches in the middle, and gra-
duated to six inches at the sides, and further, that in the
grading of said road, no part thereof shall exceed seven
degrees; the bridges required to cross the main branch of
Jenning's run shall not have less than eighteen feet of water
way, and raised sufficiently above said stream to be secured
against the freshets thereof, with the necessary side ditches,

to make said

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Session Laws, 1842
Volume 594, Page 170   View pdf image
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