CHAP. 188.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That all laws and parts of
laws heretofore passed, authorizing pensions to be levied
for the use of citizens of the county usually called out
pensioners, be and the same are hereby repealed, so far
as relates to Prince George's county, and that the Levy
Court have full power and authority to allow pensions to
all persons citizens and residents of the county, who, in,
the judgment of the court, are entitled to such pensions.
Levy court to
reduce salary
of collector.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the Levy Court be
authorized to reduce the salary of the collector of the
county tax to four per cent instead of six, as now allowed.
Judges and
clerks to re-
ceive $3 per
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the judges and clerks
of election shall receive three dollars each, for every day
such judges and clerks may act in the discharge of their
official duties.
Wages allow-
ed to super-
visors and
hands reduced
one third.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the wages now allowed:
by law to supervisors and hands employed in making or
mending the roads be reduced one-third, so that only two-
thirds of the amount now expended on the public roads be
hereafter expended.
Levy Court
in annual ap-
pointment of
trustees to de-
signate execu-
tive commit-
SEC. 10.. And be it enacted. That so much of the act
of eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, chapter one hundred
and thirty-five, as relates to the pay of the trustees of the
Alms-house, be and the same is hereby repealed, and that
the Levy Court be authorized in making the annual ap-
pointment of trustees, to designate two of the number as
the executive committee, and it shall be the duly of said
committee, or if both cannot attend, one of them to super-
intend in person all the purchases, contracts and arrange-
ments of the Alms-house, under the direction of the board
of trustees, and the members of the said com suttee be en-
titled to receive two dollars for each and every day they
shall attend to the above prescribed duties, not exceeding at
the rate of two days per month, and no trustees of the
Alms-house except the executive committee shall receive
pay for his services.
Clerk of Levy
court to re-
ceive $300.
Standard bear-
er $80.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the clerk of the Levy
Court shall receive three hundred dollars per annum for his
services, and that the standard bearer shall receive eighty
dollars per annum for his services.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That all Iaws or parts of laws
inconsistent with this act, be and the same is hereby repeal-
ed, so far as they apply to Prince George's county.