CHAP. 180.
the said corporation, and the management and conduct of
their affairs, provided, the same be not contrary to the laws,
and the constitution of the state of Maryland or of the
United States.
When $10, 000
shall be sub-
scribed a mee-
ting shall be
called by the
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That whenever shares to amount
of ten thousand dollars shall have been subscribed, the said
company or a majority of them, shall call a general meeting
of the subscribers to be held in Town of Cumberland in
Allegany county, or such other place as may be fixed upon,
after thirty days notice, and such of the said subscribers as
shall be present at the said meeting, or a majority of them
shall be empowered to elect a president and four directors
to manage the affairs of the company for one year, and
until a new election of president and directors shall be had
in the manner directed by the bye-laws of the company,
and that every subscriber shall be entitled to one vote for
every share that he may own.
to appoint the
time and the
manner of
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said stockholders of
a majority of them, shall have power to appoint the time
and direct the manner of holding the election of the presi-
dent and directors, which election shall be annual, and the
president and directors or a majority of them may provide
for calling the general meeting of the stockholders, upon
giving thirty days notice, may provide the mode of trans-
ferring the stock of the company, and of furnishing the
evidences of the ownership of shares, said company may
have authority to fix the amount of toll to be paid by the
persons using or passing along and on said road, but the le-
gislature may regulate the amount of said tolls at any time
President and
Directors em-
powered, &c.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the President and Di-
rectors, who may be chosen in the manner herein before
provided for, be and they hereby authorised and empow-
ered to cut, dig, and make the said turnpike road from any
point on the national road in Maryland, at or west of the
town of Cumberland, thence by the nearest and most prac-
ticable route, through any part of Allegany county, to in-
tersect the north western turnpike road of Virginia, as
aforesaid, not to exceed sixty feet in width, the said road
to be graduated in such manner that the acclivity or decli-
vity thereof shall in no case exceed five degrees, the width
of the said road may be varied, so that it shall not exceed
thirty feet nor be less than twenty feet through level ground,
it shall be raised in the middle one twenty fourth part
of its breadth, hut in passing along declivities it may be flat;
bridges, side ditches, gutters, and an artificial bed of stone
or gravel shall be dispensed with, except in such instances