in lottery tickets in any scheme of a lottery not drawn un-
der a lottery grant emanating from the State of Maryland,
or the constituted authorities thereof.
CHAP. 142.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said lottery com-
missioners be and they are hereby directed to pay over to
the said president and managers the amount by them from
time to time realized and received in virtue of this act,
over and above all taxes, charges and expenses incident to
the raising of the same, and to report to the treasurer of
the Western Shore of Maryland, the amount by them paid
to the said president and managers, with duplicate receipts,
therefore provided, that in constructing the said road and
drawing the said lottery or lotteries, no expense thereof
shall in any wise be chargeable to the State of Maryland.
Lottery com-
missioners to
pay over to
A further additional supplement to the act entitled, An act
relating to the Public Roads in the several counties there-
in mentioned.
Passed Feb.
28, 1343.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of Charles county, be and they are
hereby authorized and empowered, upon application of the
overseer or overseers of any of the public roads in said
county, or whenever they may deem it necessary, to appor-
tion among the said roads the able-bodied male inhabitants
residing at, or contiguous to any public road, subject to
perform service on any public road according to the provi-
sions of the act to which this is a further additional supple-
ment, in such manner as to ensure an equality of labor on
the several public roads in said county.
ers to appor-
tion labor.
An act authorizing the Commissioners of Howard District
of Anne Arundel County, to levy a sum of money for
the purposes therein mentioned.
Passed Frt.
28, 1843.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of Howard District of Anne Arun-
del county, be and they are hereby authorized, to levy a
ers to levy a
sum of money
for road.