CHAP. 8.
A further supplement to the act for the encouragement of Pri-
mary Schools in Prince George's County, passed Decem-
ber session eighteen hundred and thirty-eighty chapter sixty-
Passed Jan. 11,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act, the
levy court of Prince George's county shall appoint she per-
sons, one in each election district as trustees of the school
fund of said county, instead of twelve as now required by
-law, three of whom shall be a quorum for the transaction of
business, with all the powers of the former board, except
the power to appoint teachers.
Ley court to ap-
point trustees
of school fund.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the power to appoint and
remove teachers, and control and manage the said school
shall reside in the local boards of trustees respectively, that
they may be appointed in pursuance of the act of eighteen
Local board to
appoint and re-
hundred and thirty-nine, chapter sixty-six; provided, that in
case any of said schools shall not have a local board of trus-
tees, the said trustees of the school fund shall have the power
of appointing and removing teachers and controling and
managing said school.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
teachers of said schools to report annually on the first day
of January, to the said board of trustees of the school fund,
and to the local boards of trustees, the condition of their re-
spective schools, shewing the number of scholars at the end
of each quarter, and the branches taught the different classes,
which report shall be subject to public inspection.
Annual report.
An act entitled, an act to incorporate the Smithsburg School
Association in Washington County.
Passed Jan. 18,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Jacob Lambert, Frederick Crown, George
Ernest, David Flooy and Frederick Unger, trustees for a
school erected in Washington county, in the town of Smiths-
burg, named the Smithsburg School Association, and their
successors to be appointed or elected as hereinafter direc-
ted, shall from the passage of this act, be, and they arc
hereby created, established and declared to be one body
politic and corporate, by the name, style and title of the
Smithsburg School Association of Washington county, by
Name and style.