CHAP. 60.
A bill entitled, An act to incorporate a Company to make a
Turnpike Road from some point on the National Turn-
pike Road, west of Cumberland, to intersect the Somerset
and Cumberland Turnpike Road, at or near the Penn-
sylvania line.
Passed Feb
4, 1842.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Gustavus Beall, Alpheus Beall, George
Blocker, John M. Buchanan, Jonathan Wit, Daniel Uhl,
Samuel Gaumer, Jacob Cook, Rhudy Boose, Daniel Lep-
ley, Joshua F. Coxe, Nathaniel P. Barnes, Charles Miller,
and John R. Brenham, be, and they are hereby appointed
ers named
commissioners, who shall cause books to be opened at such
time and place as they may deem advisable, for the purpose
of receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of the com-
pany to be incorporated by the provisions of this act, no-
tice having been given as the said commissioners may deem
expedient, of the time and place of opening said books, and
continue the same open from time to time, so long and as
often as they may find necessary to complete such subscrip-
Books to be
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of said
company, shall be fifteen thousand dollars, in shares of
twenty five dollars each, and all individuals and bodies po-
litic and corporate, and the commissioners of Allegany
county, are hereby authorised and empowered to subscribe
for such amount of said stock as they may think proper.
Capital stock
15, 000
provided nevertheless, that if the subscriptions shall exceed
amount required and authorised by this act, the commis-
sioners shall regulate the sum in such manner as to effect a
just apportionment of the stocks among the subscribers;
provided also, that at the time of making the subscriptions
of the said capital stock, there shall be paid to the said commis-
sioners upon such shares, the sum of one dollar on each share,
and the residue thereof shall be paid at such time, and in
such manner as may be prescribed by the president and
directors of the company, to be by this act incorporated.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That whenever one third of
the shares of the said stock shall be subscribed, then the
said subscribers shall be declared to be incorporated, and
made a body politic and corporate, by the name of The
When one-
third of capi-
tal is subscri-
Cumberland and Somerset Turnpike Road Company, for
the purpose of making a turnpike road from some point on
the national road, west of Cumberland, to intersect the
Cumberland turnpike road, at or near the Pennsylvania
Name and
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