chap. 47.
shall have been entered, or writ of error produced and filed,
and upon the receipt of such transcript by the clerk of the
court of appeals, he shall enter the case upon the docket of
his court, as of the term next after the date of the appeal,
or of the writ of error in such case.
No appeal to
be dismissed.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That no appeal or writ of er-
ror shall be dismissed by the said court of appeals; provi-
ded, the transcript or record of the proceedings as men-
tioned in the aforegoing section, is filed in the said court of
appeals, within nine months from the time of the appeal en-
tered, or writ of error produced and tiled, notwithstanding
a term or terms of the said court of appeals may have inter-
vened between the time of the appeal entered, or the pro-
duction and filing of the writ of error, and the filing of the
transcript or record of the proceedings in the said court of
To apply to
cases now
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the provisions of the
preceding sections shall apply to cases now depending in
the said court of appeals, as well as to those which may
hereafter arise.
Passed Feb
1, 1842.
A supplement to an act entitled, An act to erect a Town, in
Talbot County, by the name of Saint Michaels, and to
appoint Commissioners.
In case peo-
ple fail to e-
lect a bailiff,
ers to elect.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That in case of a vacancy in the office of bai-
liff of the Town of Saint Michaels, in Talbot county,
either by a failure of the people thereof to elect the said
officer at the time now appointed by law, or from any other
cause, it shall and may be lawful for the commissioners of
the said town or a majority of them, and they or a majority
of them are hereby required, at their first regular meeting
next succeeding the occurrence of such vacancy, to elect
by ballot, a person qualified according to the provisions of
the act to which this is a supplement, to act as bailiff of the
said town, and the person so elected shall take the same
oath and perform the same duties, as if he had been regu-
larly elected at the annual election for said office.
Bond to be
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That from and after the pas-
sage of this act, every bailiff of the said town, hereafter to
be elected, shall before he proceeds to act as such,
execute a bond to the commissioners of the said town, in
the penalty of two hundred dollars, with security to be by