the State for 1841, authorized to issue orders
on the treasurer in denominations not less
than $1, and not exceeding the amount ad-
vanced, &c. orders to be receivable by the
collectors and by the treasurer in payment
of tax levied under the act of March 1841,
ch. 23, &c.
BANKS. Holder of said checks or orders other than
the collectors, &c. upon presentation to the
treasurer, to receive an equal sum of specie,
treasurer authorized to redeem any check
&c. made on him, not required however to
redeem said orders until alter the expiration
of the time at which the loan would be pay-
able, &c.
Before any bank shall issue, &c. any
such orders, notice to be given to the trea-
surer of the amount proposed to be raised,
treasurer to charge said bank with the amount
so proposed to be issued, said amount to be
deemed as of that day in part payment of the
loan, &c.
Form of said orders to be prescribed by
the treasurer, signed by president and cash-
ier of the bank, &c.
Said orders not to be re-issued when re-
ceived by treasurer, &c.
If any of said banks make a new issue of
said order without notice or a greater amount
than it may have notified to the treasurer,
president and cashier of said bank, to be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and may
be indicted and found n sum not less than
$50 for every order, &c.
See Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Com-
pany; Tax.
The several banks to pay specie on de-
mand for their liabilities, and authorized to
issue notes of any denomination not less than
$1 to be redeemed in specie, &c.
No bank to issue or pay out notes, &c. of
'ess denomination than $5, to an amount
greater than 5 per cent of capital paid in,
such notes not to be issued after 1st Novem-
On refusal or neglect to comply with this