CHAP. 3.
Passed Jan. 5,
An act for the benefit of Ann S. Morriss, of Charles County.
Orphans court
to draw on bank
for salary.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the orphans' court of Charles county, be and they are
hereby authorized and required to draw in favor of the
trustees of primary school, number one, in the fourth elec-
tion district of Charles county, upon the Farmers Bank of
Maryland, or the collector of the county levy of said coun-
ty, for the sum of two hundred dollars, to be by said trus-
tees applied to the payment of the salary of Ann S. Morriss,
a teacher employed in said district school, for the year,
eighteen hundred and forty.
Passed Jan. 7,
A supplement to the act entitled, An act to establish a House
of Refuge for Juvenile Delinquents.
Whereas, application has been made on part of the
managers appointed under the act to which this is a supple-
ment, for authority to return to the contributors the monies
furnished toward erecting a House of Refuge contemplated
by said original act.
Managers to re-
turn money to
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the managers aforesaid, or so many of
them as may, after public or other notice, assemble at any
time or times, and by adjournment or otherwise, be and
they are hereby authorized to return the said monies to the
contributors respectively, or to apply the same as the con-
tributors respectively or their representatives, have or shall
hereafter direct.
to appropriate
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That in those instances where
no return of monies shall be requested, and no application
of them be directed, the managers assembling as aforesaid,
shall appropriate the same in manner as shall have been di-
rected as to their own contributions by a majority in amount
of those so directing; provided, that no such application
shall be made until after notice by publication twice a week
for two successive weeks in two newspapers of Baltimore,
to contributors, that their monies shall he returned to them,
or be applied as they may require.