chap. 336.
of two thirds tolls in favor of all wheel carriages, whose
tract shall be of the one pair of wheels clearly outside of
the usual track of five feet, and of the other pair of wheels,
out side of it; provided, that wheel carriages of the last de-
scription whose width of tire shall enable them to roll eight
inches on each side shall pass toll free.
Passed March
10, 1842.
A supplement to an act entitled, an act to regulate proceed-
ings against Corporations, passed December session,
eighteen hundred and thirty-two, chapter three hundred
and six.
Writ to be
served on the
clerk, etc
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That in all cases in which suits arc instituted in any of the
courts of law or equity of this State, against an incorporat-
ed company, the office of which is located in this State, it
shall be the duty of the plaintiffs to cause a summons or writ
or a copy thereof, to be served on the clerk of the compa-
ny, or in case of his absence, to cause the same to be left at
the office of such company at least fifteen days before the
return day of the same, and to file in said case, the affidavit
of some disinterested person, that the same had been duly
served or left at the said office, and no court of law or equi-
ty in this State, shall hear or entertain any suit against such