Sec. 3. Be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall
on or before the first day of August, eighteen hundred and
forty-two, let out to be built at the lowest bidder, a house
to be erected on said lot of ground, not to exceed twelve
feet square, and eight feet pitch, and that the contractor
thereof shall have the same completed on or before the first
CHAP. 37.
ers to erect
day of October next ensuing.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall levy the cost of the said ground as well as the cost of
the house to be built thereon, upon the taxable property of
said county, in the same manner as all other expenses and
taxes of said county are levied.
ers to levy
An act to incorporate the Germania Library Association of
Passed Jan
26, 1842.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That C. W. Lentz, S. Eytinge, G. H. Mittnacht,
P. C. Holste and H. R. Hoffmeister, together with such as
may become associated with them, and their successors, be
and they are hereby incorporated and made a body politic
and corporate for the purpose of establishing a library and
reading room of German and English works and newspa-
pers, by the name and style of the Germania, and by that
name may be sued, and may sue, have a common seal, and
the same at pleasure alter, and be entitled to use the powers
Name and
and privileges incident to such corporation.
Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said corporation,
shall at their first or some subsequent meeting, choose a
President, two Vice Presidents, one Secretary to the socie-
ty, one Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, and such
other officers as they may deem necessary, or convenient for
Officers, etc.
the government and regulation of said corporation and its
property, they shall have the power to make standing rules
or by-laws for prescribing the terms of office and duties of
their officers, for regulating the terms on which persons
may be admitted, and continued members of the corpora-
To establish
tion, and generally for the regulation of their officers; pro-
vided, such by-laws are not repugnant to the laws of this
State or of the United States.
Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said corporation
shall be capable of taking and holding real and personal
estate, not exceeding in the whole five thousand dollars,