CHAP. 301.
thirty-nine, chapter six, be and the same are extended to
the first day of November next
Passed March
9, 1842
An act relating to Schools in the middle and lower Election
Districts of Caroline County.
ers to locate
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Robert T. Keene, John Stack and Wil-
liam R. Andrew, be and they are hereby appointed com-
missioners, to locate a school some where on the road lead-
ing from Fowling creek to Potters landing in Caroline coun-
ty, if they in their judgments should think that the estab-
lishment of such a school is needed, and said commissioners
if they shall determine to establish such a school, and after
they have fixed upon a scite for a school house, shall report
the result of their labors to the orphans court of the county
and said school when established, shall be considered one of
the located schools of the lower election district of said
county, and shall be entitled to its proportion of the differ-
ent school funds, of said lower district as if said school had
been originally located with the other schools of the said
election district.
Citizens to
elect five
Sue. 2. And be it enacted, That after the said commis-
sioners shall have located said school, the citizens in the
immediate neighborhood of said location, shall select from
among themselves five trustees, who shall have power to
contract for the building of a school house, on the scite fixed
upon by said commissioners and after the completion of said
school house, the orphans court of said county shall direct
to be paid out of the surplus school funds belonging to said
election district, one hundred dollars to the trustees of said
district to be by them applied towards the payment of the
cost of building said school house, and said trustees shall
have charge of the government of said school when esta-
blished until the election of their successors.
court to pay
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the orphans court of
said county shall annually pay, commencing with the pre-
sent year, to the trustees of school number six, of the mid-
dle election district of said county, as much of the school
funds of said election district as the average amount paid
to the other located schools of said election district as
though said school were in regular operation as required by
the laws which regulate the located schools of said county.