exercise the business or occupation of stock broker, ex-
change broker, or bill broker, for the unexpired term in
said license named, but no such individual co-partnership or
firm, legal representative or assignee, shall use or occupy
at the same time more than one office or place of business
for the transaction or exercise of the duties, privileges or
occupation either of stock broker, exchange broker or bill
broker as aforesaid, it shall however be lawful for any in-
dividual, co-partnership or firm, to hold at the same time a
license as a stock broker, a license as an exchange broker,
and a license as a bill broker, upon payment to the clerk of
the county as aforesaid, of the respective amounts herein-
before stipulated for the respective licenses.
Chap. 282.
Sec. 5. Be it enacted, That from and after the first day
of July aforesaid no individual, co-partnership or firm, other
than those duly licensed under the provisions of this act,
shall use or exercise the business or occupation of a stock
broker, or an exchange broker, or a bill broker, under a
penalty of five hundred dollars for each and every offence,
to be recovered as debts are by law recoverable, one half
for the use of the State and the other half for the use of the
Five hundred
dollars Tor
every offence.
Sec. 6. Be it enacted, That the said county clerks shall
at the usual times of settling their accounts with the State
treasury, account for and pay over all sums received under
this act, under the same laws and penalties as arc now pre-
scribed by law.
County clerks
to pay over.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That from and after the first
day of July aforesaid, if any person or persons whatsoever
shall make or enter into any contract or agreement written
or oral for the purchase, receipt, sale, delivery, or transfer
of any public loan, or stock, or the stock of any corpora-
tion, institution or corporation, or other security in the na-
ture thereof, or any bill, notes or other obligations of any
corporation, institution or company, or other security in the
nature thereof, or any bill, notes or other obligations of any
corporation, institution or company created or authorized,
or that may hereafter be created or authorized as aforesaid,
in which contract or agreement it may be stipulated or un-
derstood between the parties thereunto, his, her or their
agent or agents, that the same may be executed or perform-
ed at any future period, exceeding five judicial days next
ensuing the date of such constract or agreement, then and
in every such case such contract or agreement shall be and
the same is hereby declared to be null and void, and if any
person or persons shall hereafter, the first day of July
aforesaid, make or enter into any such contract or agree-
Fines, etc.