chap. 242
for a term of years; provided, that the said Zulma Marcilly
shall give bond to the State of Maryland, in the penalty of
one thousand dollars, with security to be approved by the
orphans court of Frederick county, with a condition that
the said Zulma Marcilly will secure to the said servant girl
Rachel, her freedom at the expiration of the term of servi-
tude of the said Rachel; and provided, that the said or-
phans court of Frederick county shall be satisfied by com-
petent testimony, of the time when the servitude of the
said Rachel shall expire, which said time shall be stated in
said bond.
Passed Feb
17, 1842
An act to incorporate the Mechanics Band of Cumberland.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Thomas Rizer, John B. Widenen, Upton
R. Lowderwilk, Amer S. McNamee, Henry J. McNamee,
Henry Shuck, Henry B. Osborn, George Rabold, William
R. McCully, Gustavus Rizer, David W. McClary and
Jacob Wolfe, together with such other persons as may be-
come associated with them, and their successors, be and
they are hereby incorporated and made a body politic and
corporate, for the purposes of extending the knowledge
and improving the style of performance of martial music,
by the name, and style of the Mechanics Band of Cumber-
land, and by that name they may sue and be sued, have a
common seal, and the same at pleasure, alter, and be enti-
tled to use the powers and privileges incident to said cor-
Choose offi-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corporation
shall at their First or some subsequent meeting, choose a
president, secretary, treasurer, and such other officers as
they may deem necessary or convenient For the government
and regulation of said corporation and its property; they
shall have power to make standing rules or by-laws, for
prescribing the terms of office and the duties of their offi-
cers, for regulating the terms on which persons may be ad-
mitted and continue members of the corporation, and gen-
erally for the regulation of their officers; provided, such by
laws are not repugnant to the laws of this State or of the
May hold real
and personal
United States.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That the said corporation
shall be capable of taking and holding real estate, not ex-