cute and deliver to them a bond or bonds, or certificates of
debt as aforesaid, for the amount so awarded and payable,
principal and interest as aforesaid, and in no other way,
and secured by the same pledge as mentioned in the first
section of this act.
CHAP. 168.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the Annapolis and Elk-1
ridge Rail Road Company are authorized to pay those of:
their creditors whose claims do not amount to the sum of
one hundred dollars, out of the tolls received upon the said
road from time to time, due regard being always had to the
payment of the interest upon the bonds or certificates of
Claims below
in dollars, to
be paid out
of the tolls.
debt hereby authorised to be issued.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the president and directors of the Annapolis and Elk-ridge
Rail Road Company, as soon as the situation of the comp-
any will admit, to have and keep in readiness a sufficient
number of cars for the transportation of all produce that
may be brought to said road for that purpose, and for the
greater convenience of the public, it shall be the duty of
the said company when its situation will permit, to estab-
lish such additional depots or switches on said road as may
be required by the wants of the community and the public
To provide a
sufficiency of
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That if any officer or agent,
or other person employed by the said company shall charge
or receive any greater sum for the transportation of any
article whatsoever than is allowed by the provisions of the
original charter, or any amendment thereto, such agent or
other person so acting shall be subjected to a fine of twenty
dollars for every such offence, one half for the use of the
informer, the other half to the State, to be collected as
Fine for char-
ging more
than allowed
by law
small debts are, before a single magistrate.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That in paying the principal
of said claims against the Annapolis and Elk-ridge Rail
Road Company, a priority shall be given to the claim of
Horace Abbott and company, and Washington and Magger.
assignees of a portion of the debt clue Baldwin, Vail and
Hufty, the said debt being secured by a mortgage upon the
locomotive engines of said company and a decree of the
court of the court of Chancery; provided however, that said
priority shall not interfere with the payment of the interest
upon all the debts of said company, as directed by the pre-
ceding section.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the aforegoing pro-
visions of this act shall lake effect from and after the first
day of January of the present year.
To take effect