CHAP. 10.
whole line; and that the line thus surveyed, located and
marked, shall be forever the proper divisional line between
Baltimore and Carroll counties.
If commission-
ers disagree.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid com-
missioners shall proceed to the discharge of their duty as
soon as they conveniently can, and in case of disagreement
they may appoint among themselves one commissioner from
Their oath.
an adjoining county; that before they proceed to business
they shall severally make oath or affirmation that they will,
without favor or prejudice, to the best of their skill and
judgment, run and establish the north-east line between
Baltimore and Carroll counties as nearly as may be, agree-
ably to the intent and meaning of the act passed December
session, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, chapter two hun-
dred and fifty-six, and confirmed at the next succeeding
session, chapter nineteen; that they shall have full power
and authority to contract with and employ a surveyor, chain
carriers and other proper and necessary assistants lor the
Make out plots.
performance of their duty; and that they or a majority of
them, after having carefully run out, marked and located
the said dividing line as aforesaid described, shall cause
two plots to be made out, and also two certificates under
their hands and seals, specifying the courses, distances and
marks fixed and made by them, to designate said line, one
of each of which shall be returned to the clerk of Baltimore
county court, and the other to the clerk of Carroll county
court, to be recorded in the land record books of said
counties respectively.
how paid.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall be entitled to receive as compensation for their servi-
ces two dollars each day; and that the commissioners of
Baltimore county, and the commissioners of tax of Carroll
county shall levy and assess on the assessable property of
their respective counties, such sums of money as will be
sufficient to defray the necessary expenses arising by virtue
of this act, one-half of which are to be defrayed by each