CHAP. 79.
use of its members, with a design to encourage and culti-
vate mental improvement; for the better accomplishment of
which design they have asked for an act of incorporation;
and whereas, the object of such association seems to be lau-
dable and beneficial, and said request to be reasonable —
Individuals in-
Name and style.
Legal capacity.
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Patrick McGill, senr.; Jacob B. Haller,
William Mahony, Joseph Easterday, George W. Hoffman,
Henry Culler, Thomas J. Clagett, Lloyd Gittings, George
C. Biser, Peter Shaffer, Joshua Jones, Thomas I. McGill,
and such other persons as now are, or may hereafter become
members, shall be and they are hereby created and made
a body politic and corporate, by the name, style and title of
the Library Association of Jefferson, and by that name shall
have continued succession, and be able and capable in law,
to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, defend and
be defended in any court of law or equity in this State, or
elsewhere, and to make, have and use a common seal, and
the same to alter or renew at their pleasure.
Elect officers.
Made by-laws.
Hold property.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said association shall
have power to elect on the first Saturday of April, eighteen
hundred and forty-one, and annually thereafter, from
amongst its members, a president, treasurer, librarian and
a board of five directors, to hold stated meetings to esta-
blish and put in execution, alter or abolish such by-laws,
rules and regulations, as to them shall seem most conducive,
to the interest of the association; provided, the same be not.
contrary to the laws of the State or of the United States; to
purchase and hold a library and apparatus, and to pur-
chase, receive, hold and dispose of any other property,
real or personal, not at any time exceeding in amount one
thousand dollars; and generally to do any other matter or
thing necessary to carry into effect the objects of the asso-
Banking forbid.
Right to repeal.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained
shall be so construed, as to authorise or empower said
corporation to issue any note, certificate, token or evidence
of debt, to be used as currency; and the right is hereby ex-
pressly reserved to the General Assembly of Maryland, at
its pleasure, to alter, amend or annul its act of incorpo-