No. 6.
Resolution in favor of Malichi Duval.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Commissioner of Loans, be and he is hereby directed
to issue to, and sell for Malichi Duval, at not less that
their par value, currency bonds of the State, to the amount
of eleven thousand three hundred dollars and thirty-seven
cents, bearing an interest of six per centum, payable semi-
annually, at the Loan Office in Baltimore; and the said Com-
missioner of Loans is hereby directed to pay over to the
said Duval, or his order, the proceeds of the sales of said
No. 7.
Passed April 3,
Resolution in favor of the Legal Representatives of Mrs.
Margaret King.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay, out of any un-
appropriated money in the treasury, to the order of the le-
gal representative or representatives of Mrs. Margaret
King, late of Somerset, county, deceased, who was a revo-
lutionary pensioner of Maryland, the amount of pension
due her, at the time of her death, on the twelfth day of
September, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-nine.
No. 8.
Passed April 5,
Resolution in favor of Elizabeth Wiery.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore of Maryland, pay to
Elizabeth Wiery, widow of Michael Wiery, of York
county, in the State of Pennsylvania, or order, during life,
the half pay of a private, in consideration of services ren-
dered by her husband during the revolutionary war.
Passed April 6,