Shore shall approve, and shall comply with the said terms,
the right of the State to appoint directors in the said bank
shall thenceforth cease and be determined.
No. 4.
Passed April 2,
Resolution further in relation to the Public Lands.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
whereas, the Executive has refused to transmit to our Se-
nators and Representatives in Congress, the Report and
Resolutions, adopted by the Senate and House of Dele-
gates, in relation to the Public Lands — therefore,
Be it resolved, That the President of the Senate and
Speaker of the House of Delegates, be and they are here-
by requested to transmit a copy of said Report and Reso-
lutions to each of our Senators and Representatives in
Congress, and to the Governors of the several States.
No. 5.
Tamed April 2,
Resolution for cleaning out Frederick Street Dock, in Bal-
timore City.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
whenever the owners of the wharves fronting on Frederick
street dock, have filed their assent in writing, in the office
of the city commissioners of Baltimore city, to have the
said dock cleaned out, and shall have furnished to said com-
missioners satisfactory assurance for the payment of their
portion of the expenses thereof, the Treasurer of the Wes-
tern Shore, be and he is hereby authorised and directed to
pay to said commissioners such sum or sums of money as
may be necessary, not exceeding in all, five hundred dol-
lars, out of the tobacco fund, to be applied by them to
deepening the dock in front of the State's property on said