said county and district, whose compensation shall be five
per cent, commission on the several amounts imposed with-
in said county and district respectively; and if either of
them should not accept said appointment, by filing a bond
as collector, to be approved by the commissioners of said
county and district, respectively, it shall be the duty of
said commissioners to appoint some person as collector in
his stead, at the same rate of compensation, who shall give
bond, to be approved as aforesaid, any thing herein con-
CHAP. 23.
tained, to the contrary thereof notwithstanding; and provi-
ded also, that Henry P. Geohegan, of Talbot county, be
and he is hereby appointed collector of the tax imposed
Talbot county.
by this act, within said county, whose compensation shall
be six per cent, commission on the amount imposed on said
county; and if he should not accept said appointment, by
filing a bond as collector, to be approved by the commis-
sioners of said county, it shall be the duty of said commis-
sioners to appoint some person as collector in his stead, at
the same rate of compensation, who shall give bond, to be
approved as aforesaid, any thing herein contained, to the
contrary thereof notwithstanding.
SEC. 46. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the several collectors, to proceed to the collection of the
aforesaid assessment or tax, with all convenient despatch,
so that one-fourth part at the least, may be collected on or
before the first day of March, in the year eighteen hundred
and forty-two, and one other fourth part on the first
days of the months of June, September and Decem-
Time for mak-
ing collections.
ber, in the same year; and in the collection thereof, the levy
courts and commissioners of the several counties and of
Howard district, and mayor and city council of Baltimore,
provided that the tax to be levied in the city of Baltimore,
shall be collectable and returnable monthly, as hereinafter
provided, and the collectors shall severally have and exer-
cise all such powers and authorities as they now have or
may exercise in the collection of taxes imposed for county
or city purposes.
Powers to be
SEC. 47. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the collector of taxes for the city of Baltimore, on the
first Monday in March, and monthly thereafter, and of
each and every other collector, on the first day in March,
June, September and December, next succeeding his ap-
pointment, to account with and pay over to the treasurer
for his Shore, all monies which he may have collected, or
ought to have collected as aforesaid; and he shall he enti-
tled to receive a commission of not less than three nor
Duty of collec-
tor of Balt.