CHAP. 23.
Collector to be
Bond required.
said levy court or commissioners of the several counties
and of Howard district, to appoint a collector or collectors
to collect the said tax, except as hereinafter provided; and
and every collector, before he acts as such, snail give bond
to the State of Maryland, with good and sufficient sureties,
to be approved by the levy court or commissioners by
whom such collector shall have been appointed, in a pen-
alty, at the least, double the amount of the lax to be col-
lected by him, and with condition, that if the said, the col-
lector, shall well and faithfully execute his office, and the
several duties required of him by law, and shall well and
truly account for and pay over to the Treasurer for the
Shore on which such collector resides, the several sums of
money which he shall receive or be answerable for by law,
at such time as the law shall direct, then this obligation to
be void, else to remain in full force and virtue; which said
bond shall be executed, attested, approved and recorded as
other collectors' bonds are now required by law, and in
case of a default on the part of any such collector, provi-
Collector for
Baltimore city.
ded, and it is hereby further enacted, that there shall be ap-
pointed by the mayor ami city council of Baltimore, a col-
lector of said tax for the said city, who, before he enters upon
His bond.
the duties of his office, shall give bond to the State of Ma-
ryland, with security, to be approved by the mayor and
the presidents of the two branches of the city council, or
any two of them, the mayor being one, in the penal sum of
fifty thousand dollars, conditioned as in the preceding clause,
for the true and faithful performance of the trust reposed
in him, and of the duties required of him by the provisions
For P. George's
of this act; and provided a/so, that William N. Dorsett, of
Prince George's county, shall be and he is hereby appoint-
ed collector for said county, to collect the State lax, which
shall be imposed on the assessable property in said county,
under the provisions of this act, and shall be entitled to re-
ceive a commission of six percent, on the amount received
by him and paid into the treasury, any thing herein to the
contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding; and if the
said William N. Dorsett should not accept said appoint-
ment, by filing a bond as collector, on or before the fif-
teenth day of December next, the levy court of said
county shall appoint some person, other than the collector
of the county lax, whose compensation shall be six per
For A. Arundel
and H. district.
cent, commission as aforesaid; and provided also, that John
S. Selby, of Anne Arundel county, and Isaac C. Andersen,
of Howard district, respectively, be and they are hereby
appointed collectors of the tax imposed by this act, within