An act to provide for the more equal distribution among
the different Academies in Worcester County, of the
State's Donation for the benefit of Academies in said
CHAP. 22.
Passed April 3,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Treasurer of the Western Shore of
Maryland, be and he is hereby authorised and required to
pay annually to the following academics in Worcester coun-
ty, out of the State's donation, for the benefit of academies
in said county, in the manner following, to wit: to the Uni-
on Academy, in Snow Hill, two hundred and fifty dollars;
to the Buckingham Academy, two hundred and fifty dollars;
to the Salisbury Academy, one hundred and fifty dollars; to
the New Town Academy, one hundred and fifty dollars.
Donations to be
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer of the
Western Shore is hereby authorised and required to pay
the aforesaid sums of money to the trustees of said acade-
mies respectively, from time to time, or to their order, as
provided for by this act; provided, said trustees comply
with the requisitions of the several acts of Assembly, pre-
scribing certain duties to the trustees of academies and
colleges receiving donations from the State, any other law
to the contrary notwithstanding.
When paid.
A further supplement to the act enlarging the powers of
the High Court of Chancery.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That in any suit in the court of chancery, de-
pending' or to be depending against several defendants, the
said suit shall not necessarily abate by the suggestion of
the death of one or more of said defendants, against
whom a decree for an account, or partition or sale shall
have been passed, or such other proceedings shall have been
had after appearance, as would nave warranted the passing
of such decree, or who shall have answered the bill of
complaint, and thereby admitted the facts stated in the said
bill, or failed to set up any defence to the relief therein
prayed; but in such case the said court, at its discretion,
Passed April 2,
Death of one or
more defend-
ants not to abate
suit, where de-
cree is passed.