A supplement to the act, entitled an act to incorporate the
Patapsco Insurance Company,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
to enable said company to wind up and settle its concerns,
the act to which this a supplement, be and the same is here-
by continued, and shall remain in force, until the first day
of February, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-six, and
until the end of the session of the General Assembly
which shall be next thereafter; provided, that nothing here-
in contained, shall be construed to authorise said corpora-
tion to make any insurances whatever, nor to lend money
on bottomry or respondentia.
CHAP. 17.
Passed April 3,
Supplement ex-
An act to alter the division line between the third and se-
venth Election Districts of Carroll County.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the boundary
line between the third and seventh election districts, in Car-
roll county, shall be altered, and that the following be and
the same is hereby made the boundary line between the
same: beginning on the natural boundary, at the intersection
of Big Pipe creek, in Peter Bixter's meadow, and running
thence by a direct line to Jacob Frock's dwelling house,
leaving the same in the seventh election district, thence by
a direct line to Adam and William Bishes' dwelling house,
leaving the same in the seventh election district, and
thence to the Westminster and Little's town turnpike road,
at the intersection of the stone road, which is now the
boundary line between the third and seventh election dis-
tricts; and those citizens of Carroll county, who live in the
third election district as altered by this law, shall vote
where the polls are, or may be held, in the said third dis-
trict; and those residing in the seventh election district, as
altered by tins law, shall vote where the polls are or may
be held in the said seventh district.
Passed April 2,
Division line
Line described.