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Session Laws, 1840
Volume 592, Page 239   View pdf image
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tance that ample security be afforded to the persons and
property of the people of this State, by the general govern-
ment, which, in the opinion of this Legislature, can more
efficiently be done by steam batteries, than by any other
mode of defence — Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
our Senators and Representatives in Congress be requested
to introduce immediately a bill, and urgently to press the
same to its passage, making provision for the building of at
least two steam batteries, for the special protection of
Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.
Resolved, That the Governor be requested to send as soon
as may be, a copy of this preamble and its accompanying
resolutions, to said Senators and Representatives.

No. 19.

Passed Mar. 9,

Resolution requesting the Governor to convene an extra
session of the Legislature.

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
time limited by the constitution for the present session, is
too short to enable this Legislature to transact the impor-
tant business entrusted to their charge; and that his Excel-
lency the Governor be requested to exercise the powers
vested in the executive, to convene this Legislature again
at the earliest convenient day, after the fifteenth of April

No. 20.

Passed Mar. 8,

Resolution directing the Adjutant General to furnish Captain
George R. Howard, with a certain number of Knap-

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Adjutant General be authorised and directed to procure
and furnish Captain George R. Howard glazed knapsacks,
for the use of the Elkton Guards, not exceeding fifty, upon
bond with security, approved by the Adjutant General, be-
ing given.

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Session Laws, 1840
Volume 592, Page 239   View pdf image
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