ness of this State, which may be in his possession, and have
been satisfied, and are of no use, and ought to be destroyed;
and the said joint committee of the two houses, hereinbe-
fore directed to be appointed, at each succeeding session,
be and they are hereby authorised and directed to examine
the proceedings, documents, books and papers of the said
Commissioner of Loans, and if they find the amount of
bonds, certificates or other evidences of the State's indebt-
edness, in his possession, which have been satisfied, and
are of no use, and ought to be destroyed, to correspond
with the report hereinbefore directed to be made to the Legis-
lature, by the said Commissioner of Loans, then and in that
case the said committee shall proceed to burn them in the man-
ner hereinbefore directed, and make. report thereof to the Le-
gislature; but if the amount of bonds, certificates or other
evidences of indebtedness of the State, found in pos-
session of the said Commissioner of Loans, shall vary from
the statement contained in the said Commissioner's report
to the Legislature, it shall be the duty of the said commit-
tee to report the fact to the Legislature, in order that such
proceedings may be had thereon as to the General Assem-
bly may seem expedient.
No. 9.
Passed Feb. 19,
Resolutions in relation to the Tobacco Trade.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the most effectual remedy for the evils the tobacco interest
labors under from the high duties imposed by Great Britain,
and the monopolies of France and other nations of Europe,
is to be found in the action of Congress by countervailing
duties; and that this Legislature relies on the wisdom of
Congress in discriminating between those governments
which have not manifested a disposition to abandon or mo-
dify their present oppressive duties and restrictions imposed
on tobacco from the United States.
Resolved, That the Governor be, and he is hereby re-
quested to transmit a copy of these resolutions to each of
our Senators and Representatives in the Congress of the
United States, and that they be requested to lay the same
before their respective bodies.