An act to divorce Levin Jones, of the City of Baltimore from his wife Elizabeth Jane Jones.
CHAP. 250.
Passed Mar. 10, 1841.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland That Levin Jones be and he is hereby divorced from his wife Elizabeth Jane Jones, a vinculo matrimonii.
An act to divorce Susan C. Etherington, from her husband John Etherington.
Passed Mar. 10, 1841.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland That Susan C. Etherington, of the city of Baltimore, be and she is hereby divorced from her husband John Ether- ington, a vinculo matrimonii.
An act for the relief of Stump and Jackson, of Harford County.
Passed Mar. 6, 1841.
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this General As- sembly, that the commissioners of Harford county autho- rise a certain Richard J. Jackson and Herman Stump, of said county, to erect a bridge over Deer creek, at or near the Deer creek Iron Works; and whereas, said bridge, be- fore its completion, was carried off by the late freshet — therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the commissioners of Harford county, at their first meeting1 in April, if they in their judgment think proper, shall appoint some competent person, and the said Stump and Jackson shall choose another, and these two shall choose a third, to be termed bridge commissioners, whose duty it shall be to assess and value, and make return of the damages the said Jackson and Stump has sustained by the destruction of said bridge to the said county com- missioners. *19
Commissioners to be appointed to assess dama- ges.